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This is The Amount of This Food You Should Be Eating

The latest CDC statistics on Cardiovascular disease are rather grim; With an alarming number of approximately 659,000 people dying each year in the US alone, CVD is not to be taken lightly. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death not only in the US, but also worldwide. Previous studies have shown that eating more seafood was associated with a reduction in all causes and CVD-related mortality. Seafood is known to contain the following: heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fats Iron Iodine (during pregnancy) Choline Based on information published by the FDA, Choline, for example, supports the development of the baby’s spinal cord. The iron and zinc found in fish help to support children’s immune systems. Protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium are also other sources of nutrients derived from fish. Nonetheless, many people choose to limit their seafood consumption because of fear of mercury exposure from seafood. Most Common Way People Are Exposed to M

Eat These Amazing Foods To Help Prevent Cancer

Since my mission is to use this blog to share the following: 
1. What I know about cooking in general
2. How our particular food can help us to be healthier and even live longer.
I have been spending a lot of time discovering more about the negative and positive consequences of eating certain foods. 

Surprisingly, in one of my research, I have discovered the formation of cancers and the foods that can help prevent these most feared diseases from forming or even taking over our bodies!

Although researchers believe consuming food rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals (selenium) can help protect the body from oxygen-free radicals. In this article, I will be focusing only on antioxidants and their mechanisms of action in cancer prevention.

First, we will look at the “bad guys” known as Free Radicals ( the guys to be blamed for cancers). We will then look at “good guys” called Antioxidants (some of the main guys known for defeating these “bad guys”) and the usual strategies used to defeat them. Finally, you will be provided with some examples of foods rich in antioxidants.

What are Free Radicals?

During metabolism, most of the oxygen in the human body is converted into stable forms of carbon dioxide and water.  However, a small percentage usually ends up in an unstable condition known as oxygen free radicals, which are thought to attack and damage the cell membrane and DNA, leading to the formation of cancers.

What Are Antioxidants?

They are cancer-fighting agents.

How Do Antioxidants Work?
Antioxidants absorb free radicals before they can cause damage, and they also interrupt the sequence of reactions once the damage has begun.

What Are Some Good Sources of Antioxidants?

1. Polyphenols are potent cancer-fighting antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables, many grains, and green tea. For example, the antioxidant effect of one of the polyphenols in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is believed to be at least 25 times more effective than vitamin E and 100 times more effective than vitamin C at protecting cells and the DNA from free radical damage. Damages caused by free radicals may result in diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and others. For example, it has been said that EGCG is twice as potent as the red wine antioxidants resveratrol that helps prevent heart disease.

Polyphenols are known to do the following:

  • Block the formation of nitrosamines and quell the activation of carcinogens(a substance that helps to cause cancer) 
  • Turn off the formation of cancer cells 
  • Increase the body’s natural detoxification defenses and thereby retarding the progression of the disease.

2.  Green Tea
Research findings have led some scientists to believe that green tea might be especially helpful in preventing gastrointestinal cancers, including those of the stomach, small intestines, pancreas, and colon. Consumption of green tea also has been linked to a lower incidence of lung, esophageal, and estrogen-related cancers, including most breast cancers. 

Based on research, in Japan, for example, although people were found to smoke twice as much as people in the U.S, the incidence of lung cancer is surprisingly 50% less than that of the United States. Researchers believe this is since the Japanese drink green tea more regularly than people in the U.S. Therefore, to prevent cancer, it’s recommended that you drink two or more cups of green tea daily.

3. Phytochemicals
These chemicals are found in abundance in fruits and vegetables. It’s believed that they do exert a powerful effect on cancer prevention by blocking the formation of cancerous tumors and disrupting the process at almost every step of the way.

Video Tags: Phytochemicals, Cancer, Destroy Cancer Cells, Foods, Fight Cancer

Phytochemicals are believed to exert their protective action by:-
  • Removing cancer-causing agents from cells before they cause damage
  • Activating enzymes that detoxify cancer-causing agents
  • Keeping carcinogens from binding onto cells
  • Preventing carcinogens from binding to DNA
  • Disassembling cancer-causing precursors to non-cancerous forms
  • Disrupting the chemical structure of cell molecules that can produce carcinogens
  • Depriving small tumors of oxygen and nutrients by preventing them from accessing small blood vessels

The table below provides a list of Phytochemicals, the food you can obtain these from, and their effects.

Source: Werner W.K.Hoeger et al., Lifetime Physical Fitness, and Wellness, 6th ed.


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